Das niederländische Traditionsunternehmen Lucas Bols hat zum 1. Januar 2023 die Fluère Distilled Non Alcoholic Spirits erworben. Die Marke, zwischenzeitlich beim US-Unternehmen Next Frontier Brands, wechselte für eine Million Euro den Besitzer. Gegründet wurde die für alkoholfreie Spirituosen-Alternativen stehende Marke von Léon Meijers und Alfred Sandee im Jahr 2018 in den Niederlanden. Beide Gründer werden noch mindestens zwei Jahre an der Weiterentwicklung mitwirken. Hierzulande werden die Varianten Fluère Original und Fluère Raspberry sowie andere Marken von Lucas Bols von Diversa Spezialitäten vertrieben, woran sich zumindest zunächst nichts ändern dürfte.
Huub van Doorne, CEO von Lucas Bols, sagt: „We are delighted to welcome Fluère to our portfolio of brands. At the Lucas Bols Company, we believe in the strong potential of the no-/low-alcohol market. With its outstanding taste and beautiful packaging, the award-winning Fluère brand is in the sweet spot of mindful drinking without having to compromise on a great cocktail experience. We therefore believe that Fluère is set to play a leading role in the growth of this exciting market. By leveraging our strong distribution platform and on-trade expertise we can accelerate Fluère’s scale up. We look forward to working with Leon and Alfred to explore all synergies between Fluère and our other cocktail brands. Fluère will truly contribute to our mission; to create great cocktail experiences around the world.“
Léon Meijers, CEO und Gründer von Fluère, sagt: „Creating Fluère has been a fantastic journey and now we are entering the next exciting phase: scaling up the brand. We are convinced that the Lucas Bols Company will offer the best environment for Fluère to grow and achieve its full potential. We have great respect for their capabilities in brand building and strong route-to-market and are therefore thrilled that Fluère will become part of the Lucas Bols Company portfolio. The truly entrepreneurial culture at the Lucas Bols Company very much fits our values and ways-of-working. We cannot wait to create a variety of great-taste no-/low- alcohol cocktails and on-trade propositions together by leveraging our collective wealth of flavors and exploring best-in-class mixology skills.“
Quelle: Lucas Bols